Friday, May 14, 2010

Damascus - shopping and Islamic architecture.

Damascus is a beautiful city, and lays claim to be the oldest continuously inhabited city in the world. Mark Twain said of Damascus " . . . no recorded event has occurred in the world but Damascus was in existence to receive news of it." One of the first things you notice about Damascus is that the women are much more liberated than in any other country we have been to so far on our trip. Many young women don't wear headscarves and the incidence of hair colouring is high (old habits die hard - I can't help but notice these things!). The main highlights of Damascus are around the old city. The souq is a myriad of shops of all trades, with each individual trade being concentrated in one area. Hence the cobblers are in one street, the spice sellers in another,

the knife makers in another and so on. It is marvellous to be able to wonder and get lost and to stumble on yet another gem like two blacksmiths making knives.

Mind for an Islamic country, the lingerie shops are very racy, and we saw one woman completely covered in black from head to toe sizing up a negligee of minimal proportions. There is also a fantastic ice cream shop which serves mega-scoops of freshly made ice cream for less than a pound. Elspeth and the children loved it!

The centre piece of the old city is the Umayad Mosque, one of the holiest sites in Islam.

It is stunning. Despite the 30 degree heat, inside the mosque is cool as the high ceilings, small windows and use of through drafts of air keep the main hall at an ideal temperature. Next door is an old caravanserai where again the use of shade and a central fountain keep the building at a perfect temperature.

I am a huge fan of Islamic architecture. The symmetry and the simplicity of design is very pleasing to the eye. Also the use of water and shade to keep you cool in baking hot climates is a joy. I find such buildings as the mosque and the caravanserai very relaxing places to pass time.

1 comment:

  1. So cute you and your daughter eating the icecream at bakdash :)
