Saturday, July 3, 2010

A penfriend in Rome

In the days before the internet, there existed penfriends. School children who wanted to get in touch with school children in other countries could submit their names and addresses to various penfriend organisations and then wait until someone from abroad wrote to them. How quaint it all seems now. Elspeth had a couple of penfriends, including one in Rome whom she had visited while still at school. She did not have Stefania's address, but through the wonder of the Internet, Elspeth found a short list of possible Stefanias, e-mailed them all and waited for a reply. Meanwhile in Rome, Stefania by chance checked her SPAM folder in her e-mail, and saw Elspeth's letter. And two weeks later we all met up for lunch in Rome and then for dinner at their house near Rome. The lunch in Rome was memorable not just for Elspeth seeing Stefania after almost 25 years, but also for the look on Emmanuale's face when he saw Gilleasbuig cutting his spaghetti with his knife - clearly a major social gaffe in Italy.

Stefania, Emmanuele and their children Chiara and Giulia live in Monteporzio Catone, just outside Rome near Frascati.

We had a splendid evening with them, eating wonderful food cooked on an Italian braai, and watched the sun set over Rome with a glass of wine in hand. Lachlan and Gilleasbuig did their best not to destroy their garden as they played football, and the girls played like girls.

It was a great time and for sure it will not be 25 years before we all meet again.

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