Monday, November 15, 2010

The final leg - taking the ferry to Scotland

And so at last we were on our final leg of the trip. We had booked this ferry before we left South Africa and it had always been a date for the future. Now it was reality.

We sailed from Zeebrugge in Belgium on an overnight ferry to Rosyth. Rosyth is near Edinburgh on the River Forth in Scotland and is 20 miles from our home. Leaving Zeebrugge you pass several windfarms, where quite sensibly the Belgian government seems to have invested heavily in wind energy.

After a smooth sailing we sailed slowly up the Forth, past Edinburgh and under the Forth bridges, before docking in Rosyth.

It was poignant for me to see the pilot boat approach the ferry to deliver the pilot who would take the ship on its last few miles of its journey. My father was a river pilot on the Forth and would have taken this small boat many times.

In Rosyth we were met by my mum and my sister.

Our journey was over.

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